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The 5 Star Vintage Store In The OS You're Probably Missing Out On

It all started with a Chanel bag. Or the promise of one. Someone had told me about The Find On 6, a consignment shop in Scituate, where they claimed to have spied a vintage bag from the House of Coco. I didn't find that bag, but the space was so impressive, in terms of layout, stock, and merchandising, figured I'd loop you in. 

There's a lot to see at The Find, so make certain you've had your coffee and you're in the mood to browse and explore. The main room is chock full of treasures, merchandised into little 'shops' or departments (i.e., kids, living room, etc...flashbacks to my retail years), and unlike a lot of the other local places I've been to, there's room to move, which makes it much more conducive to sticking around for a while. 

Now, don't hate me for saying this, but there really is something for everyone - all sorts of furniture, linens, lamps, dishes, teacups, old time-y typewriters, jewelry, books, glassware, and the list goes on. Think your Grandma's meets Kim's Antiques on Gilmore Girls with a strong shot of pop culture (i.e., the cabinet full of Campbell Soup mugs or the nearby shelves of Elvis memorabilia) thrown in to keep things interesting. (True story: I was raised on stuff like Campbell's vegetable beef soup and AM radio. )

My favorite part of all though has to be the greenhouses in the back, especially the area where everything is weathered white furniture and retro trinkets, jewelry, clothing, accessories, and greenery. (Photos above.) Very shabby maggie or recession chic with shades of Miss Havisham and what I imagine the famous flea market at the Rose Bowl in Cali to be like. 

In the end, I left with some antique-ish Boy Scout Medals (You had me at 'Be Prepared!'), that I'll wear ironically on one of my blazers, and a glimpse of a mint condition Cadillac in the lot out front. A real beaut! There goes those Elvis vibes again.



**This post has been revised and updated from Spring 2017**