Workout Wednesday: Get A Better Butt By Summer

After a 9 hour certification, I just couldn't resist sharing more fun facts about RealRyder bikes with all of you.


First, let me start by asking - Have you been to NiceLegsStudio yet?

If not, what the hell are you waiting for? They still have the New Ryders special, which is 1 week of unlimited rydes for only $30.00!

Oh and if you’re already addicted, did you see the latest special? The Spring Seasonal Pass, which is a 3 month commitment, with a discounted rate of $150.00 per month.
You don’t want to miss out on this... After all summer is right around the corner and these bikes will make your butt look better than it does now!

Anyway...Back to certification.

In the weeks leading up to the certification, I was pretty nervous: All I could think about was a full day on these bikes, sh** my legs, core, and glutes are going to kill for days. And I knew this certification class had the potential to be literally TERRIBLE. And guess what, all of this depended on one person – the Master Trainer.

But, when I walked into the NiceLegs Studio (late...but in all defense to me, we had to be there at 6:45am...on a SUNDAY!) and introduced myself to the Master Trainer, Shane, right then and there, I knew the day was going to be great.

Shane, who may I add was extremely nice/friendly and not at all scary, had come from Philly to teach the NiceLegs staff everything we needed to know about these awesome bikes, including these fun facts:

  • In 2008, the RealRyder bike was launched by Colin Irving, who's now the CEO.
  • Colin spent a year analyzing the regular stationary bike; he knew something was missing.
  • He worked in his garage to develop and build the prototype for what you see today – the RealRyder bike.
  • These bikes M-O-V-E! Literally.
  • You will burn 20% more calories on a RealRyder because of the movement.
  • Resistance is a calorie crusher, so turn that knob up.
  • If you ryde 2-3 times a week, you will want cycle shoes (SPD compatible). 

So, as I said before, summer's almost here. Get that body ready for bikini weather!!! Come by NiceLegs Studio and try out these #awesome RealRyder bikes.

That's It For Now...




Photo Credits: Photos courtesy of Real Ryder and the NiceLegs Instagram/IG account.