RI Style Diaries: All Of A Sudden, PopUps Are Everywhere


From the PopUp Art in Providence (Click here if you haven't already seen it in either your real or your FB life.) to the Pop-Up retail in Newport (PopUp basically translates to temporary or short term.), this is a huge trend for summer 2015 and beyond. In other words, this is only the beginning.

Last week, we had a chance to check out the Lululemon Pop-Up, right around the corner from Empire Tea & Coffee, at 106 William St. and it looks pretty darn fantastic. A bunch of people zipped in post cross fit and barre classes to shop while we were there too...Of course, Nicole thought that going on a road trip to check out Pop-Up Shops for the blog really meant shopping spree. Of course! (There is a possibility I may have set a bad example - when it comes to shopping - in the past. #WINK)

I can't blame her for wanting to buy up 1/2 their inventory though because it all looks and wears so well. And I've been told that their clothes can last 4-5 years or even longer, provided you don't spill bleach on them or accidentally throw a piece In the dryer on high heat with a bunch of sheets or towels because you're in a big rush. (True Story: I've done both.)...To find out more about what Lulu is up to in Newport this summer (Hint: They are up to a whole lot.), check out their FB page.

Only a 5 minute walk from Lulu, give or take, is Marc Allen, who partnered with their neighbor (and one of my all time fave local skincare brands) Farmaesthetics last week to throw a very cool cocktail party to celebrate the opening of their new PopUp. While the PVD location is built around a booming men's custom business, Newport is much more about buy and wear it right now, which all sounds good to me. I mean nothing makes me happier than wearing something brand new. #SorryNotSorry

Ciao for Now,

Patty J


*To check out previous blogs about Farmaesthetics, click here and here

**To see previous blogs about Lululemon, click here.


Photo Credits: All photos courtesy of Ashley Farney; To see more of her work, click here.