3 Places To Take The Kiddos During Christmas Vacay Week In RI
It’s DAX (not Shepard - although he did get into it with The Daily Mail recently - but day after Christmas) once again, and maybe you’ve got a corner of your living room devoted to wrapping paper remnants and yet another out in the garage for empty boxes. Post holiday food hangovers are also a bummer. And on top of all that, it’s highly likely you’re looking for things to do with the littles. Here then are some swell ideas for keeping the kiddies in your life entertained during Christmas break.
1. Shine A Light. Motor over to the lobby of the Newport Marriott to get a glimpse of the 16’ gingerbread lighthouse that they have on display through January 1st. It’s one of the largest working gingerbread-based structures of its kind in all of New England. Ideal for showing off on social media and/or just marveling and ooh’ing and aah’ing at IRL. Afterwards, why not
photo courtesy of the Newport Marriot + Discover Newport
pop over to Kaffeology on Thames for a coffee for you and a cray crazy (Insta Worthy) milkshake, topped with things like pretzels, cookies, syrups, and a ginormous helping of whipped cream, for the kids?
2. OG Tweeting: There's a whole itinerary of activities happening this week, Thurs Dec 27th thru Sat the 29th, over at the Audubon Society of RI in Bristol. One standout is the class on the 27th that teaches kids how to make Tweet-Tweet Trail Mix or Suet Sundaes for the birds in their backyards. Find more deets over on their Facebook Page. If you’re feeling extra outdoorsy this week and you want to ramp up your steps, why not
photo courtesy of the Norman Bird Sanctuary FB Page
plan on hiking the 325 acres that is Norman Bird Sanctuary in Middletown? Open daily from 9am to 5pm, they offer a variety of trails for hikers at all levels, summer programs for children (jus sayin…bookmark now for later), and there’s even a quaint farmhouse that sleeps 16 that’s available if you ever want to book a stay on the property (sounds like a legit hidden gem in terms of staycations in the OS if you ask me).
3. You’ll Be Bowled Over By Breaktime Bowl! Older kids will get a kick out of this old time-y bowling alley, located in Pawtucket's Hope Artiste Village, noteworthy as the oldest continuously operating duckpin establishment in the entire
photo by Ashley Caldarone
Northeast. From the pin people to the pencil and paper score keeping to the overall retro, 1920’s atmosphere, it's pretty sweet. Check them out starting at 4pm on weekdays, 12noon on Sat and Sun. The pizza downstairs at BOOM (Brick Over On Main) is also delicious, so save room for a pie or two.