The Bakery You've Been Waiting For In Cranston Is (Finally) Open & Wow
Today’s the day - Seven Stars on Reservoir Avenue is officially open for biz!
True story, I woke up at 5:45am, briefly toyed with the idea of motoring over for the official opening of the newest Seven Stars (their 5th after Broadway in PVD, Hope Street, Newman Ave. in Rumford, and Hope Artiste in Pawtucket) on Reservoir Avenue in Cranston when they opened the doors first thing at 6:30am, and then fell back to sleep for another hour and a half.
Later, however, when a friend I hadn’t seen in a while texted saying we should meet there in 20 minutes for a coffee and to check out the new space, I said sure. (I mean, 9:30am is so much more civilized!)
A Fresh Photo From This Morning’s Opening
Okay, I don’t have a lot of photos of the actual interior (didn’t wanna be THAT person on day 1), but trust me when I say this place is a veritable oasis for coffee lovers and local foodies looking for a loaf of bread (My niece tells anyone who’ll listen just how much she loves their olive loaf.),
All Your Old Favorites (And Mine…Hellooooo, Ginger Biscuit!) Are Available At The Newest Location.
something sweet, or lunch (I hear they’re adding a new sandwich to the menu, pretty sure it’s an update on grilled cheese, so you’ll want to inquire if you’re a fan.) - not to mention a sunlit and charmingly refurbished interior, and for the warmer weather, a side patio that’s gonna be hopping next spring and summer. Or on any of those crazy fall and winter days when the temp spike to 60 and above.
Seriously, it’s gonna be the hot spot to sip coffee or tea and catch up with your friends.
The Side Patio, Tho…
Gotta say I was also pleasantly surprised that I could get a Turmeric Latte (also known as a Golden Milk Latte) with oat milk this morning too. I feel like a more and more people would rather a non-dairy milk for their latte or cappucino these days. And any cafe or restaurant that offers a variety of non-dairy options “gets” that, listens to customer feedback, is forward thinking, rolls with the changes, etc..
The fantastic news is that depending on when you’re reading this, there’s still time today (They’re open until 7pm daily.) or this week (again…that 7pm closing time in the 02920) to get there.
It’s really something special. I mean, you definitely don’t wanna miss: Get over there before all your online friends start uploading photos of their coffee orders and noshes, and claiming it as their spot.
*The Cranston Seven Stars is located at 1255 Reservoir Avenue.