3 Local Rhode Island Things To Help Make Your Easter Holiday A Little Brighter
Suddenly our dailies are all about Facetime (so sorry but almost no one looks cute on those calls…maybe babies, kids, and doodles, but that’s it!) with family and friends, vigorous hand washing, and the non-stop search for shows, podcasts or movies to binge. (We’ve been watching a lot of movies from the 1990’s. Didn’t realize it back then, but that was a golden-ish era for story telling on the big screen.) With Easter weekend having snuck up on us (ummm, what day is it?), thought I’d share some delightful things that these three Rhode Island-based businesses are offering to make our holidaze in isolation a little cheerier.
Good Fry Day
Photo Courtesy Of The Friskie Fries Instagram
Yes, it’s TRUE - the peeps at Friskie Fries have created an Easter treat that combines salty and sweet. And it’s available for pick-up thru tomorrow (Saturday, April 11th) at their Johnston and Providence locations. Their “Peeping Tom” combines sea salt, caramel, mini marshmallows, and (wait for it)…A PEEP! It’s also good towards their Buy 3, Get 1 Free promo. I mean, what could be better for putting a Spring in our collective (indoor) steps now?
Wicked Tulips Photo By Stacey Doyle Photography
Usually around this time, everybody and their mother is anticipating the opening Wicked Tulips Flower Farm. This year daily life is dramatically different of course and they are responding with a virtual experience for us fans. It’s THE online escape we all need this season! They’re setting up a private Facebook Page (that you can join for $10) where they will be dropping behind the scenes footage, interviews, and other delightful content. Go to WickedTulips.com for complete deets.
Egg-zactly What We Need Right Now
Photo Courtesy Of The Power Of Juice Instagram (Middletwon, RI)
True story, I used a Lysol wipe on the bottoms of my feet the other day. That being said, still love and adore all the organic, clean eats and wellness items over at The Power Of Juice. (Pretty sure the owner and proprietor is a James Beard nominated chef.) I say this also because they have an incredible egg coloring kit that contains dye made from fruits and vegetables that you can pick up curbside right now. It’s a super way to have a more egg-cellent time with the kiddos (or kids at heart) in your quarantine crew this Sat or Sun.
Stay well!
Patty J