Treating Yo' Self Is More Important Than Ever So Why Not Takeout Or Delivery From This PVD Eatery
Photos By Trisha Kelley Photography
Last May, I was thrilled that the owners of Hometown Poke, Becca and Tiffany, had invited me to their adorable cafe on Camp Street in Providence for lunch. It would take place on a Monday, a day when at that time, they were usually closed to the public.
Of course, I immediately turned around and invited a bunch of entrepreneur friends who would, like me, be able to get away on a weekday for an hour-ish lunch in the city. Also, a photographer because well, in year five of this blog I have learned (sometimes the hard way with lotsa regret) that clear and crisp professional images — especially for Instagram — are incredibly important.
The invite itself, the fact that they had extended it, was a pretty big deal on a number of levels, not the least being that they were then, and continue to be now, one of the most popular eateries both online and IRL around these parts. (I’d made plans to meet a good friend who lives in the ‘burbs and rarely goes into Providence for lunch before the lockdown started and where’d she want to go? You guessed it, Hometown Poke!) They had started out with a cart. (Not even a food truck, but A CART for Pete’s sake!)
Poke Bowl Photo By Trisha Kelley
A year or two prior (it’s all a blur at the moment), one of my sister-in-laws had discovered them while out and about in Providence and couldn’t wait to tell loop me in. And then there’s the whole female owned aspect which I applaud wholeheartedly. I mean, I write about food and take phone photos, but owning and running a restaurant? Daunting to say the least.
Who could have predicted, however, that come May 2020 most of our group would be housebound and that sitting in a restaurant for lunch would be a memory?
Thing is, though, Hometown Poke is offering takeout, curbside pickup, and delivery, and who among us couldn’t use a treat this week or next? A break from the pasta, beans, or pasta with beans that some of us are leaning on food wise in isolation. (Even comedian and chat show host Jimmy Kimmel is sharing a recipe for his version, called “Pasta Tina,” online.)
Okay, Treat Yo’ Self was so Parks & Rec and 2011, but I’m bringing it back because hey, quarantine life. Treating ourselves right now is part self care (also known as, staying sane) and part lifting these local eateries that we love so much.
So, bring on the to-go poke bowls and such!
Go to for more.
Photo Credits: All photos by Trisha Kelley Photography