3 Rhode Island Things That Will Have Your Dog Living Like They’re A Su-PAW-star
Over dinner the other night the big topic of conversation amongst our crew was, well, dogs, more specifically how almost all of our neighbors seem to have one or more all of a sudden.
Sure, being a pet pawrent these days during can be rewarding (hey, dog walking gets you out of the house and out in the fresh air and it is a marvelous distraction), but tbh it also comes with more responsibilities and expectations than ever before.
I mean, it's getting so that if your dog doesn't have his or her own Instagram (or some kind of social media presence), a toy box overflowing with squeakers, and a closet full of outfit changes, you're looked at as dropping the tennis ball in a big way.
Don't despair, though, because I have three local things to help you navigate the demands of 21st century life with your dog with a bit of panache.
1. Time For A Paw-dicure?
Does the idea of schlepping your dog to the groomer’s stress you to the max? You might want to consider a mobile groomer, one that will roll up in your driveway and wash and cut your canine bestie whilst you relax — or finish up some household chores — nearby. They’re becoming more popular here in the Ocean State and definitely worth trying out to see if it’s a good fit for you and your 🐶. PS ~ We’ve used Aussie Pet Mobile (They cater to Rhode Island and NE Connecticut.) in the past.
2. Paw-ty Like A Dog-Star
Cakes from Jack's Snacks in Warwick rival any “people cakes” you'll find at your local supermarket bakery. First off, they look equally as fantastic, if not better, which is pretty important for Instagram purposes nowadays. Also, they have treats that your dog can actually dig into. (Regular chocolate is, after all, deadly for dogs.) Yip, Jack’s does indeed have your back!
3. These Look Quite Fetching!
My friends over at Made From RI, LLC have paw-fect looking dog collars for your canine pal. My picks are, no surprise, the blue and red with the anchor pattern (because our state seal and flag are both adorned with anchors and why not show some Rhody pride?) and the beach-y themed one below. They’re sure to put a little more pep in both of your steps this seaason.
Collar Images Courtesy Of MadeFromRI.com
*Photo Credits: Additional photos for Jack's Snacks courtesy of their social media and site
** This post has been updated from one that has appeared on the site previously.