It's Soup Season, So Forget The PSL And Get Cooking With Your Instant Pot

Happy 1st day of fall, folks!

Yes, that means it’s soup season around these parts.


I mean, temps have been well below 70 this past week.

And unless you’re ordering from GG or Wildflour Bakery in Pawtucket, The Grange in Providence, or Power Of Juice in Middletown (their chili is one of my favorites), finding great vegetarian or meat free soup locally is practically impossible.

Now, if you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you might be aware that I’m not someone who cooks at home on any kind of regular basis (or posts about it for that matter).

Luckily for me, I know someone who loves to cook and who has changed over to pescatarian eating (no meat — lots of fruits, veggies, beans, and seafood). In addition, she has also embraced the Instant Pot in a big way, and has walked me thru the process, providing the following oh-so-important tips for homemade soup success and safety:

  1. Read the entire manual. No joke. (This is def not the time to stash or trash instructions.)

  2. Prep all your food before you start cooking.

  3. Don’t position your Insta Pot in counter space that’s under a cabinet — the steam will eventually warp that cab! (Also, keep kids, pets, and any other busybodies away from the Pot: it’s HOT to the touch and someone could get burned.)

  4. When your soup is done and you’ve turned off your Insta Pot, place a cold rag on the top front half of the lid (avoiding the other side of the lid where the steam comes out) to help cool it down.

  5. All inside parts and the top are dishwasher safe. Hooray! (Dishpan hands are never a good thing, whatever the season.)

What’s Cooking

More marvelous news?

There are plenty of recipes online to copycat in your kitchen this month and beyond.

We tried these two (see below) last fall and they turned out incredibly yummy, without that we-poured-a-whole-salt-shaker-in taste that you might get with soup you’ve picked up at a restaurant or the market.

Also we used organic ingredients whenever possible, and a minimal amount of Pink Himalayan Salt, which is supposed to be the absolute best quality and best for you, from our local Whole Foods.

  1. Instant Pot Vegan Tuscan White Bean Kale

  2. Instant Pot Vegan Golden Lentil Spinach Soup

Happy Soup-ing!