You Can Take A Hike Or A Yoga Class With Goats At This Middletown Farm And Wow
Photo At A Simmons Farm Goat Hike Courtesy Of The Lisette Rooney Photography Instagram
Not A Ba-a-a-a-ad Way To Relieve Stress
You’ve goat to go!
The folks at the family-run, and certified organic, Simmons Farm are once again hosting their wildly popular goat hikes and yoga classes on their 120 acres over on West Main in Middletown.
I mean, we were all hunkered last Spring, so let’s make the most of this one…safely.
With that in mind, these are both marvelous options for getting out in the fresh Aquidneck Island air and moving. The hikes with adorable kids (that’s baby goats) are around an hour and a half, and are really 1/2 meditation in motion and 1/2 sweet reconnect (awwww) with nature.
You can also sign up for a mozz cheese making class that’s happening on May 1st. It includes a behind the scenes tour of their on-site dairy and a tasting featuring wine from nearby Newport Vineyards. In addition, if you’re so inclined (hellooo, Martha Stewart fans), you can learn how to make homemade butter which is sure to impress your fam, online acquaintances (of course you’re gonna post about it), and those frenemies who keep texting you or stalking your social. Space is limited to 5 people, so you won’t wanna sleep on this one.
Also: NOT a meat eater, so I was pretty jazzed to learn that they do indeed carry a locally-made wheat meat or seitan. That’s at the tippity top of my shopping list, along with oodles of their heirloom veggies, for my next trip over.
For more deets, and to reserve a spot or two for you and your s.o., definitely check out their page on Event Brite.
As always, if you visit them because you read this post, please let them know you heard about them via