Daffodil Days Are Happening This Weekend In Wickford And Wow, Just Wow
Maybe it was rereading the A.A. Milne (he of Winnie the Pooh fame) poem “Daffodownilly” — which happens to be an old English name for daffodil — but I had been laboring under the mistaken impression that Daffodil Days celebrations originated across the pond, most likely around the same time Milne started putting pen to paper, forever.
After doing a little digging last night, however, I found out that all roads, as far as this is concerned anyway, lead to Canada where during the 1950’s the Canadian Cancer Society started having volunteers hand out the flowers to help raise money for research.
Well, now that we’ve gotten to the root of things, gotta say that daffodils, those first flowers of the Spring season, are currently blooming over in my favorite local village and that means Daffodil Days festivities in The Wick will be popping up again real soon.
This coming weekend in fact…
The Wickford Images Above, From Spring 2016 Through 2020, Are Courtesy Of Me
Yes, you will want to mark your calendar, and then put the petal to the metal, because this Saturday, April 10th, and Sunday, April 11th, there will be a scavenger hunt (pre-registeration by emailing wickfordway@n2pub.com by April 7th is required), extra special gifts with purchase when you shop participating stores, New Deal Horse & Carriage afternoon rides around town (pre-booking is required via newdealcarriage.com), and a whole lot more.
Take your best bud, or significant other, and they’ll thank you a bunch!
Who knows, maybe they’ll even spring for lunch at Shayna’s, Alma’s, Tavern On The Square, or Wickford On The Water?
As always, if you do go to Wickford this weekend for the springtime fun, please let them know that you heard about everything here on PattyJ.com.