There's A New Providence Mural With Its Own Garden And Gosh, It's Amazing
All Photos Here Are Courtesy Of The Avenue Concept Instagram
The Avenue Concept, the PVD based non-profit launched in 2012 by RISD alum Yarrow Thorne that has helped usher in a sort of public art renaissance in the Ocean State, has teamed up with the Summit Neighborhood Association, another np and all volunteer org. devoted to celebrating and preserving the northern end of the city’s East Side, to bring us another marvelous mural.
This time one with an absolutely lovely GARDEN in the foreground.
They looped in Rhody based artist Joanna Vespia — you may already know her from last summer’s eye-catching cat and dog mural that Avenue PVD commissioned for a wall of New England Humane Society over in Cumberland. (If not, add it to your list because it’s perfect.)
True Story: Not sure how it happened, but I honestly didn’t realize that there was a garden in the forefront until the hubs and I motored over to Hope Street to take some photos and video the other day. (See the full video here.)
The flower garden (yes, there are sunflowers 🌻) was made possible by way of a collab with the adjacent Eden Park Cleansers. Applause, applause! That element really elevates and takes the whole darn thing to another level. I mean, is there anything like it anywhere else in the state? Not that I can think of.
And lest I leave them out, a shoutout to the nearby Not Just Snacks for providing the all important wall space for this stunning and uplifting (just a few minutes of checking it out will put a spring in your step, also because this summer feels more like spring) art.
Also, whilst you’re on Hope Street, why not visit some of the shops and restaurants there?
You can never go wrong with Frog & Toad, Stock Culinary Goods, Henry’s Bear Park, or Seven Stars.
For more from The Avenue Concept be sure to stalk their Insta @AvenuePVD.