The Smoothie At This Wickford Cafe That's Named For A RI Based Olympic Medal Winner
Throwback Photo Of The Shayna’s Sign From My 1st Summer (2015) Blogging, By Ashley Caldarone
Blue Skies And Purple Smoothies
Guess you can consider this my one and only Olympic related post this summah…
I’ve never been very sporty (my 4th grade gym teacher once threatened to fail me after I’d refused to play kickball, ughhh), so I didn’t immediately realize that my favorite smoothie over at Shayna’s in Wickford is actually named after 2 time Olympic Medal Winning SWIMMER and Saunderstown native, Elizabeth Beisel.
Maybe you saw her memoir, entitled Silver Lining, that was published the winter before last? (PS — She has also appeared on the show Survivor.)
The Liz Beisel is made with banana, kale, blueberries, oat milk, chia seeds, and peanut butter and it’s quite good for brekkie, lunch or a nice afternoon snack.
Drinking This Last Week In The Wick
If you haven’t had one yet, now is the best time to motor over because this month all the proceeds (that’s 100%) from the sale of my go-to go towards Liz’s upcoming 12.5 mile charitable-swim-for-cancer-research from Point Judith to Block Island. (Sadly, she just lost her father in July to pancreatic cancer, the same cancer that my father died of over 25 years ago.)
This swim is also a history making one!
Once everything’s said and done, she will forever be known as the very 1st woman to have completed it.
As of right now, it is scheduled for Thursday, September 9, 2021.
You can get additional info and updates by following the IG that’s been set up for the fundraiser @Block.Cancer as well as Liz’s page @EBeisel34. Also you’ll want to check out her site
As always, if you find yourself there drinking one of these after reading this, please do let them know you found out about it here via Patty J and