There's A New Exhibit At RISD Museum This Month & It's Really Marvelous
the Nicole Eisenman exhibit for RISD’s Raid The Icebox Now series
I have a regular Saturday morning routine, but last weekend, I switched things up and motored over to the RISD Museum for a Members Orientation (One of the best things I’ve ever signed up for has been the yearly membership there: It gives me a heads up about so many marvelous events, not to mention access to special happenngs like the one last weekend.) which included a tour spotlighting some of the most intriguing pieces on display right now.
Now, I can’t say enough great things about the tour as a whole, but one exhibit that really captivated me was Nicole Eisenman’s (She’s a RISD alum and award winning American artist.) Tonight We Are All Going Out And We Are Getting Hammered, part of the Raid The Icebox Now series.
RTIN celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Andy Warhol exhibition Raid The Icebox I that circa 1970, opened the doors to thousands of works in storage and unseen by the public for eons. It juxtaposes contemporary works with ancient, medieval, and classical art.
And the Eisenman exhibit is a splendid example of how this mixing of modern elements with more traditional paintings and sculpture can (and will…*raises hand*) ignite a hightened sense of curiosity from an audience.
Waiting on line at the club…
Ok, not to get all Joan Rivers on you, but can we talk about this line of statues and busts (I know, I know…there’s a joke here too.) waiting on line to get into the club which the artist has cheekily dubbed “Kiki’s Backdoor.”
It’s all very Studio 54 hey day meets Intro to Art History class crossed with Instagram Memes 101.
Okay, this is pretty groovy!
Now I still haven’t figured out the significance of the AMF Pommel Horse, but I could have spent hours in that main room (above) among the paintings, the 21st century soundtrack, and the dramatic disco ball lighting.
Sure, take a disco nap, but don’t sleep and miss THIS exciting installation!
Another photo from last Saturday’s tour…
It runs now thru July 2020, but you’ll want to get there before all your Facebook and Instagram friends do.
And you can always grab a hot coffee or chocolate (As of this writing, temps in Providence are a cool - and I mean, CHILLY - 35 degrees.) later at Cafe Pearl at the Benefit Street entrance.
Photo Credits: All interior photos by Patty J