There's A Historic Schoolhouse In Tiverton You Can Book On Airbnb & It Sounds Amazing
The guys who started Airbnb actually got the idea for the online home rental service after putting up a bunch of people who were in town for a tech conference at their apartment in San Francisco.
Thankfully the accomodation options have evolved beyond an air mattress in the corner of someone’s living room and a breakfast bowl of cold cereal.
I say this because the other day while motoring around Little Compton and Tiverton, we happened upon a pretty neat historic property that I later discovered is available on Airbnb.
Last Weekend in Tiverton, Rhode Island (Photo Courtesy Of Me)
Maybe you’ve driven by the Tiverton Four Corners Schoolhouse No. 1, which dates back to the mid 1800’s and boasts a working school bell (people who have stayed there have since let me know, via Instagram, how much fun they had ringing the bell), without realizing?
I certainly did and in retrospect felt badly because not knowing it was a private residence (in my defense it’s an easy mistake to make because the frontage does give the initial impression that it’s NOT in fact residential), I insisted on stopping the car and taking a bunch of phone photos, like the one above.
Now, after IG’ers left a bunch of glowing comments about their experiences there, knew I had to go on the app and see what the interior looked like. And with a working fireplace, sleek and updated kitchen and bath, and 2 comfy looking bedrooms, it did not disappoint! (See photos from the Airbnb listing below.)
Tbh, I’d love to reserve a night or two at this place in 2021. Last I checked, the rate was $241 a night. If this is something that sounds intriguing, definitely search Tiverton Four Corners Schoolhouse No. 1 on the Airbnb app soon.