3 Classic RI Spots For Fall Photos And Weekend Fun With Your Fave Person
Oh My Gourd, It’s Almost Fall…
Summer’s winding down, and with today being (gasp) September 1st, your thoughts have probably turned to all things fall. Now, this year is a lot different because of the pandemic. If you’re someone who lives for the autumn months, however, dollars to apple cider doughnuts you already have your apple picking and pumpkin spice beer tastings planned out at this point. If you’re also looking for some classic spots in Little Rhody for open air photo ops (for social), I have a short but mighty list of places you’ll want to check in from starting this month.
1) Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge in Foster - Covered bridges are so autumn in New England highlight reel and Instagram REELS, aren’t they? Strictly speaking, Swamp Meadow is our state’s one and only bridge enclosed by a roof and walls, and you’ll most likely need one of the navigation apps (Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps and the like) to find it — but it’ll be sooo worth it smart phone photo wise.
Photo for PattyJ.com courtesy Of Stacey Doyle Photography
2) Pawtuxet River Trail in Cranston - Mask up, maybe layer on a light jacket, and bring along that outdoorsy friend who hopefully knows how to take a decent I-Phone photo. In the coming weeks, you’ll find plenty of leaves to crunch under foot and also to art direct into your pix. Bonus points if you are a pet pawrent to a Golden Retriever or Doodle. Scroll Instagram these days and you’ll see just about every high profile IG personality has one of these pups featured prominently in their posts, Stories or both.
3) The Fire Pit at The Tree House Tavern in Warwick - All of a sudden, a lot of people (I’ve spoken with 2 or 3 in the last week alone) are putting fire pits in their backyards. The next best thing? Sitting around the one outside the converted farmhouse that dates back to 1860 (or in the nearby “Woodshed” that boasts a fireplace and a chandelier) at Tree House with your Covid crew, their signature S’mores Martinis in hand.
Throwback Photo Of The Fire Pit From 2017