Pete Silva Is Talking "Muddy March" And Why It's Actually One Of His Favorite Months
An Ode to Muddy March
I love March…says no one, ever! Except me, that is. I. Love. March. I call it, “Muddy March,” and people think I’m proving their point. But hold on. Don’t judge too quickly. You might want to walk a mile in my galoshes, first.
Photo By @PeteSilvaMusic
I know what you’re going to say. It’s raw. It’s wet. It’s unpredictable. It’s cold. It’s damp. March pleads guilty, your Honor. However before you sentence it to the Isle of Misfit Months, let me offer up this defense…
Ok, so it starts off f-f-frozen just like F-F-February, but then, oh yeah…it’s getting warmer, and – forget the lion’s roar thing (maybe it’s the Cowardly Lion)…to me, it’s a big brown bear rubbing its eyes awake from a long winter’s hibernation, hungry for hope. The cold snow and ice are melting away like the Wicked Witch of the West, and you can finally see, feel, and smell the earth once again. Or should I say EARTH! It’s delightful, and gooey, and hopeful, and well, muddy.
Photo by @PeteSilvaMusic
The ground is finally getting warm enough and soft enough and rich enough for all the flora and fauna to come alive! Every single day becomes an adventure…Getting to go for strolls after supper…Watching the trees for buds…Hearing the birds singing more and more. Spying the sky for those beautiful sunrises, the longer days of light, and deeper sunsets…getting ready for those gorgeous “Only in New England” summer sunsets. Ahhhh….
Oh, by the way, how’s that bathing suit diet going? Maybe it’s time to start walking…in the mud! Get your galoshes on and let’s go! It’s MUDDY MARCH, so let’s celebrate every Earthy minute of it!
About Pete
Find Pete Silva On Instagram @PeteSilvaMusic.
Pete Silva is a New England based singer/songwriter, poet, educator, occasional blogger and podcast host. He builds farmer's dry walls and electric train layouts in his spare time. Follow him at
Photo Credits: All of the above photos are courtesy of Pete.