A Deli With Delicious Sandwiches That Overlooks The Newport Bridge FOODPatty JMarch 12, 2025JamestownRhodeIsland, EastFerryDeli, ConanicutIsland, RhodeIslandFOOD, RIEatsComment
The Story Behind Santa's Fire Truck In Jamestown, Rhode Island PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 3, 2024JamestownRhodeIsland, JamestownFireMemorialMuseum, NewportCounty, ChristmasinRhodeIsland Comments
The Darling Rhode Island Town For Getting Into The Christmas Spirit PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 19, 2023JamestownRI, RhodeIsland, JamestownRhodeIsland, AquidneckIsland, NewportCountyComment
The Wonderful Jamestown Cafe And Bakery For Your Next Casual Breakfast Or Lunch FOODPatty JApril 4, 2023JamestownRI, RhodeIsland, VillageHearthBakeryAndCafe, JamestownRhodeIsland, rirestaurantsComment
We Had A Christmassy Afternoon In This Enchanting Rhode Island Town PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 15, 2022JamestownRI, RhodeIsland, JamestownRhodeIsland, AquidneckIsland, NewportCountyComment
Channel Your Inner 80's Rock Star With A Trip To This Jamestown Park PLACES TO GOPatty JOctober 14, 2022RhodeIsland, NewEngland, TheOceanState, Jamestown, JamestownRI, JamestownRhodeIsland, ConanicutIsland, FortWetherillStatePark, FortWetherillJamestownComment